Welcome to our flickr powered photo galleries from 2008!
To see a slideshow of one of these events, please click the blue text below any row of images.
To explore any of the photos on this page, click on them. You will then be taken to our flickr site.
If you wish to buy prints or files of any photos please contact us.
Virtually every Mendips Raceway meeting since 1988 has been captured and recorded to DVD or Video by CVS-Yate. DVD's are available to order directly from Chris Dalton for £19.95 a meeting including ‘signed-for’ delivery to UK addresses. If you have a more specialised request, do get in touch directly.
Thanks to our resident photographer Nathan King
Also, do see Chris and Mike Parry's brilliant online galleries here.
2008 Photos
5th October 2008- CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
28th September 2008- CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
14th September 2008- CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
24th and 25th August 2008- CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
27th July 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
28th and 29th June 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
25th and 26th May 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
4th and 5th May 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
20th April 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
23rd and 24th March 2008 - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com
2nd March 2008 - Practice Day - CLICK HERE to see the full set in a slideshow at flickr.com