
REPORT: MENDIPS MAYHEM! Sun 25th June 2023

July 7, 2023

It was a dry and blustery afternoon for day two of the Bangers Caged Weekend.


The B2B was running an all in format, 25 cars came out for the 1st Heat, and amongst the action there was a stoppage as 777 James Cliffe’s car caught fire on the infield , and 82 Joe Gingell led the re-start, and 797 jacked up 34  then there was a pile up on the turnstile bend, then Scotty Jacked up 488 Luke  Whatley , and Gingell led for a while until he slid into the pile up, then 129  Lee Dalton took the lead. Only 8 cars made the distance and Dalton took the win, from 314 Jason Barraclough, then 509 Matt Dixon.


15 cars survived for the 2nd Heat, and amongst the action, Barraclough took the lead from pole, and Cliffe and 190 Dominic Gumbleton was having a scrap for 3rd and Cliffe shoved his way past Gumbleton, then Gumbleton shoved Cliffe in a parked car, and carried on loosing a lot of speed, then 721 Carley Gabriel Jacked up Gumbleton, then Gumbleton Jacked up Whatley, and 23 Clive Crockford ended his race perched on the inner marker tyres!! Only 5 cars made the distance with Barraclough taking the win from 404 Rob Mills, then Dalton.


Amongst the action in the final there was a few spinner’s and 33 Shaun Norton ended up in the wall and couple others cars piled in, only 8 cars made the distance with Dixon taking the win from Barraclough, then 210 Ryan Brookes.


8 cars made it out for the Allcomers Race, with another two cars waiting on the infield for the D/D 101 Briahna Warren spun out, then on the next lap Warren got put into the tyres, Dixon led for a lot of laps until Dalton nipped up the inside of Dixon to take the lead, then on to win. 6 cars came out for the D/D which ended with Head on between Cliffe and 616 Dan Moore, with Cliffe’s car the last one left running just!!


The 2lBangers was also running an all in format and 19 cars came out for the 1st Heat, amongst the action, 177 Charlie Edgecombe was getting a lot of attention, and 154 Joe Odhams received a massive hit on the back straight which required a stoppage to check on Odhams, who managed to walk to the ambulance for a check up. 262 Roona led the re-start from 743 Jake Bond, then 186 Lewis Fasey, then Fasey found a way past Bond and Roona to take the lead, 9 cars made the distance, with Fasey taking the win, from Roona, then Bond.


17 cars made it out for the 2nd Heat, and amongst the action 412 Hayden Galley Jacked up 298 Kray Rutterford, then 756 Troy Hooper gave Rutterford a massive T-Bone , requiring a stoppage to check on Rutterford who was ok. 410 Dan Galley led the re-start from Bond, Bond then passed Galley for the lead, and 741 Alex Waterman was doing some drifting!! 8 cars made the distance, with Bond, taking the win from Roona, then Fasey.


12 cars survived for the Final, and Roona took the lead from pole, 961 Brad Deeprose hit 890 Pavarotti, then Pavarotti lost a spring and a wheel trying to spin 908 David Brown out, leading to a stoppage, Roona led the re-start from Fasey, then Bond, then Fasey nipped up the inside of Roona, and they was side-by-side for a bit before Fasey took the lead, Fasey went on to win from Roona, then Bond.


11 cars came out for the Consolation Race in which 186 Fasey took the win, and 4 cars went for the D/D which ended with ahead on between Deeprose and R.Mills.


The Junior Rods was a 2/3rds Format 11 cars came out for the 1st Heat 620 Austin Latimer passed 175 Emily Beacham to take the early lead with 301 John Penfold slotting into 2nd, and further back there was a big battle amongst the Red and Star Graders, and 28 Jake Ralfs made it up from 7th on the grid to take 3rd, , then Beacham and 184 Callum Preston retired,  then Ralfs went round the outside of Penfold for 2nd then Ralfs went round the outside of Latimer to take the lead then on to win by the length of a straight from Latimer then 258 Riley Brimble(from 8th) on the grid. With 66 Taylor Mitchell and 69 Reece Welch-Fry crossing the line side by side for a photo finish.


11 Cars came out for the 2nd Heat, and the oil flag was showing after there was a lot of oil and water deposited previous Banger Race, which was cleared up as much as possible. 99 Jenson Harris took the early lead from pole and then Penfold tried going round the outside of Harris and as they was going round the turnstile bend side-by-side they had a coming together and Harris accidently T-Boned penfold causing a bit of mayhem as the other cars tried to avoid it, which led to a complete re-start, in which Penfold was a bit too keen at the start and shot straight in to 1st to take the early lead, and there was a lot of contact in the pack and there was a lot of black crosses dished out, and although Harris loosing places was not too far off the pace and going well until he appeared to be spun out, then 610 Alfie Murray made it up 2nd from 7th on the grid then Murray went round the outside of Penfold to take the lead, Murray went on to take the win, with Penfold crossing the line in 2nd but was docked two places for jumping the start, promoting Mitchell to 2nd, with 14 Macca Loader taking 3rd.


11 Cars came out for 3rd Heat Latimer took the early lead from 2nd on the grid with 107 Henry Chiplen making it up to 2nd from 5th on the grid then Brimble made it up to 3rd from 7th on the grid, then Brimble went round the outside of Chiplen to take 2nd. Latimer went on to take the win from Brimble, then Dalton.


15 cars made it out for the Final the whole of the Blue Grade jumped the start and the guilty culprits got docked places at the end of the race, and Latimer took the early lead from pole then Chiplen went round the outside of Latimer to take the lead, then Brimble went round the outside of Chiplen to take the lead then on to win with Ralfs coming home in 2nd (from 12th on the grid), and Loader and 162 Charlie Cocks crossed the line side by side.

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