Newsletter 05 2011

October 24, 2011

Cancer Research

Incredibly, the total for the Cancer Research day is now just under £8000, with more cash still to come. It has surpassed anything we have ever done, and takes our running total way over £20,000 in the past eight years. While there is no Crashmania in 2012, we are trying to find another date to stage the Pink Ribbon Trophy for Brisca F2 stock cars, and a similar trophy for Bangers to run alongside on the same day. Thanks to everyone involved all over again, and let’s try and beat it in 2012!

Brisca F2 Stock Cars

Congratulations to all of our winners in 2011, especially Chris Bradbury (886) for his fourth Points Championship in a row, to Chris Rowe(76) for his Final win, to Jamie Beere(954) for back to back Rookie series wins, and finally to Paul Milsom (245) for his Endeavour Trophy award having completed his first season. There is no doubt that Brisca f2 can be a little daunting to the beginner, but Paul has given it a really good shot and always seems to be enjoying it. Long may it continue. With the loss of several local drivers, our grids have been lower that we would have liked in 2011, and we are keen to help anyone who wishes to have a go, or move up from another formula. Finding cars and offering advice is what we can do, so please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist. It looks likely that we shall be hosting a Championship in 2012, and then the World Championship Semi Finals in 2013, and we are working with Autospeed to try to stop the Mendips/St Day clashes that have happened  recently.

We will continue the Rookies white and yellow races in 2012, and would be very grateful to anyone who would like to sponsor a round.
The economic forecast is not good, but promoters need drivers and drivers need promoters-it’s a partnership that benefits us both.

Below are the final Points  for 2011.

886 Chris Bradbury 175 76 Chris Rowe 54
921 Jack Aldridge 141 438 Mike Rice 34
676 Neil Hooper 131 53 Phil Mann 32
522 Chris Mikulla 95 797 Dan Moss 37
835 Matt Westaway 32 464 Matt Linfield 28
990 Paul Rice 59 544 James Rogers 28
783 James Rygor 53 254 Richard Beere 33
315 Justin Fisher 71 374 Gary Stephens 26
954 Jamie Beere 67 606 Andrew Palmer 25
14 Mike Priddle 47 677 Chris Roots 30


Congratulations to Pete Stanley and Scott Weldon for finishing as the top two in both the World Qualifying and the 2011 National Banger Points Championship. Scott won without attending the last meeting, which was a big achievement, and both took part in the World Final at Ipswich-Stan unable to finish, but Scott completed the race without too much incident. Tremendous drive for Shane Davies (158) from grid 41 to win it.!

The September World Qualifier was reasonably well attended, with some unusual visitors. Bad luck on Delboy who looked like the Final winner until the last bend, and in case you didn’t know, Brett Ellacott was loaded for a very late, and almost infield attack on 262 Roona. The West of England had its lowest turnout for many, many years, and left us with no option but to run the title race first, on a slippy track, and veteran driver Nick Courtier(114) left them all for dust. Some hard hitting stuff, and some good wrecks kept the customers entertained, however, so the day was not lost completely. At this meeting, Nemesis was loaded for flagrant breaking of the turning round rule, and Twigo was awarded the win which he was denied by this attack. This offence was reported back to the driver’s promotion, together with a request for action. We are looking at our options for 2012, as the Unlimited World Final will again be taking place on the second Saturday of October, at Ipswich.

As a lot of local drivers were missing, we need to find out what it is that our own drivers want from the track-whether it be different meetings or different cars racing, so it is important to let us know, and to attend the Drivers Meeting in November to voice your opinions.  

Final Points for 2011 and Grades for 2012

Red Tops Blue Tops
517 Scott Weldon 133 210 Paul Barnes 46
40 Pete Stanley 132 68 Steve Stockley 44
58 Martin Dalton 85 252 Steve Bugler(v) 42
162 Brett Ellacott(v) 85 303 Jason Oliver 39
790 Dominic Gumbleton 82 27 Dean Quinn 37
363 Sam Trim 72 452 Antony Sleeman(v) 30
446 Jason Burt 58 67 Matty Harris 29
224 Dale Edwards 57 84 Jerry Ansell(v) 29
44 Steve Griffin 56 162 Mike Cocks 29
198 Marcus Goldsmith 56 88 Tim Wood(v) 27
714 Paul Smaldon(v) 53 322 Paul Brown 25

(v) indicates visiting driver.

Rookie Bangers

Two good displays from the Rookies over August Bank Holiday Sunday and Monday, and one of the best Caravan races for many years.  Looking at the Top Ten, there are only three Mendips Drivers out of ten, so it is all the more of an achievement for Tom Davey to win the Points Championship, his first major win, and topped off by winning Caravandalism XI as well! The first of many, I’m sure. I am constantly asked about more Rookie Banger meetings, and when we get sixty cars a meeting, it certainly makes us think!

Final Points for 2011

54 Tom Davey 61
134 Jarret Bond 43
991 Ben Hale 40
246 Ryan Sparks 37
113 Jody Jeanes 37
776 Ryan Wadling 33
929 Sam Baker 32
129 Lee Dalton 30
117 Ollie Starr 29
441 Craig Griffin 28

Reliant Robins

Robins were on tremendous form at the final 2011 meeting on August Bank Holiday, and the highest turnout of cars for five years-24 cars! We have some more plans and suggestions to keep the momentum going to reward the entertainers, and take some of the emphasis off of the winning. We want to continue the points championship, but drivers will be able to score points for rollovers, and entertainer awards, for instance. Presently the man who wins all the races scores 30 points, and the idea is to make 30 points available to anyone who entertains, such as 10 points for a rollover and 10 points for an entertainers award.

Final Points for 2011

Red Tops Blue Tops
499 Lee Charles 140 46 Jon Coombs 24
87 87 90 111 Tom Ruby 22
444 Mark Loader 65 33 Jack Carnell 20
78 Mark Bowskill 65 305 Neil Stilgoe 19
445 Niki Loader 65 39 Simon Faulkner 15
333 Mark Neville 55 369 Bradley Butler 10
3 Dan Tytheridge 52 364 Darren Feltham 10
9 Adam Elias 37 674 Matt Ashmore 10
162 Mike Cox 33 264 Steve Ford 5
437 Cliff Worthington 29 100 Jerry Weeks 5

Hot Rods

Just out of interest, we have compiled a Final Points Chart including west of England, which is below.
It was certainly an exciting final meeting, with Colin coming back from a crash to win the West of England.

282 Steve Hunt 184
18 Larry Langmead 158
718 Colin White 137
205 Mike Norton 110
55 Alistair Lowe 95
258 James Griggs 80
904 904 58
117 Dave Tossell 42
35 Neil Mewdell 41
89 Mick Cave 33

Special Rods

A superb finish to the Special Rod season, and a surprise but worthy winner of the West of England! One week later and Barney was steaming around Ipswich in a Granada Mk 2 at the World Final, but with not the same result. After the meeting we stripped the engines of the first three home, and as there had been some pits talk about Russ Colenutt’s engine, he volunteered to have his stripped as well-a truly sporting gesture. The results of the strips were that all four engines had bore, stroke, inlet and exhaust vales measured, and visual checks of manifolds, and ports,  and carburettors, and all were judged to be legal in all respects. We shall continue to make these checks, and hope this will lay to rest some of the rumours of cheating.

Grades for start of season 2012


23 Ross Stuckey 135 Blue Tops
18 Russ Colenutt 133 10 Stephen Hine 51
47 Richard Howard 109 19 Matthew Tegg 51
Red Tops 22 Jack Stuckey 49
173 Alan Cambridge 95 925 Robert Parsons 46
41 Dene Howard 86 372 Tom Cambridge 43
42 John Major 82 136 Jason Horseman 35
210 Paul Barnes 73 39 Craig Harris 40
122 Joe Rowe 68 26 Dave Rossiter 32
44 Sam Howard 61 13 Paul Robins 31
43 Andy Howard 60 270 Shaun Baker 28
60 Steve Sayer 59
17 Lee Robins 57
370 Steven Baker 55

Junior Rods

The Junior Rods have had a good year overall. It could have been much more difficult to incorporate cars other than Minis into the formula, but it has worked, and the formula has made good progress. Our thanks go to Ian Whitford, who has taken on the scrutineering, and especially to Russ Milverton who has done a very good job as driver representative, often to the detriment of his own children’s racing, and he deserves our congratulations.

Congratulation also go to Louis Aldom, for winning the West of England and the Points, after a season long struggle with Sid Harrison, who had a bad day just when it really mattered. Considering hwo difficult the track was in October, all of our drivers coped really well.
We will be interested to see if there are any proposals for the racing in 2012, so please come to the drivers’ meeting and discuss the future of the sport.

Final Points and new Gradings for 2012

Red Tops Blue Tops
127 Louis Aldom 127 273 Zoe Cambridge 46
510 Sid Harrison 114 6 Connor Jeffries 45
404 Macauley Mills 10 14 Jesse Milverton 38
796 Daniel Steeds 95 109 Aaron Holloway 37
14 Andrew Russell 83 16 Daniel Milverton 36
111 Natasha Howe 65 397 Caine Down 34
205 Charlie Norton 65 362 362 31
313 Charlie Boorer 60 300 Jack Ayles 28
87 Callum Richards 56 39 Sophie Harris 28
25 Brad Seymour 53

The Last Bit

Where does my £1 go?

ORCi Health & Safety Report - October 2011

This year has seen further progress in the improvement of the Health & Safety standards at Oval Racing events in the UK. This has been achieved with the cooperation of drivers, staff, officials and outside contractors.

Whilst there has been a reduction in the total number of reportable accidents there has been certain areas and formulas where there is still need for improvement. We will be working with those involved to increase safety standards over the coming months.

The year started off with a Fire & Safety Seminar in Birmingham. ORCi race officials from all over the UK attended a training day where those involved with driver extrication and fire fighting at race events were shown the latest techniques and equipment. They also received a summary of how to assess risks and how to work with the medics in attendance at race events. Several cars were cut up and also set on fire in the course of the full days training.

The 2011 track inspections have continued throughout the year with all 30 of the ORCi sanctioned tracks due to be inspected by the end of November. The scope of these inspections has been extended to include a full briefing of those that provide medical cover at race events and point out their responsibilities relating to the reporting of injuries to the ORCi Web Portal throughout the year.

The improved accident reporting procedures this year have produced some very useful statistics (via the ORCi Web Portal) which have been discussed by the ORCi Safety Advisory Group. This has been followed by action by formula sub committees and associations when rule changes in car construction and racing rules have been made.

The ORCi Web Portal which has been operating since 2009 is only now producing information that can be analysed after comparing 2010 statistics with those of 2011.  The Safety Advisory Group will continue to use this information to drive forward actions which will improve health & safety at race meetings in the coming years.

One section which has seen an improvement in the reduction of injuries is in the Pit Area. H&S Officers often express concern about the safety of race fans in the pits and much has been done over the last three years to improve things. Signage, PA warnings, driver and staff awareness have all played there part in achieving this improvement.

In a report from our insurers regarding this new accident reporting system they state: "It is imperative that as the governing body for short oval racing in the UK, the ORCi is at the forefront of safety standards and procedures.  The information collated from the web portal is the measuring device to ascertain if safety standards and procedures are indeed sufficient or if improvements could be made."

At the start of this year guidance for promoters regarding Noise at Work legislation was produced following Noise monitoring at race events. This has resulted in certain officials having to wear ear protection at specific meetings. Noise monitoring of race cars has also continued to ensure that the new noise levels set by the ORCi are being adhered to.

The training of Marshals and Race Officials has continued to be a top priority of the ORCi and at the start of 2011 a new training DVD was produced to assist promoters to deliver a comprehensive training programme for all their staff at a local level.  It is now a requirement for all ORCi Promotions to fully train all their staff before allowing them to work at any race event and by using the training DVD this ensures continuity throughout the UK.

Looking forward to the next 12 months the ORCi has agreed that the Safety Advisory Group progress a series of new initiatives to further improve H&S within the sport.

In the new year there will be a Drivers Newsletter on the ORCi website ( This will feature information about all formulas that run on ORCi sanctioned tracks. It will contain information on items relating to Safety and all promotions, associations and formula organisers will be encouraged to use the site to get their message across  to a national audience.

Also starting in the new year will be an Officials Newsletter which will be sent to all registered ORCi Marshals and Officials (there are over 650 of them) via email. It is hoped that this will be produced at least on a bi-monthly basis but any urgent information will also be sent more regularly.

In February next year there will be a special training day organised for Stewards and Clerks of the Course. This will bring together these officials from all over the UK in an effort to bring more consistency to the interpretation of racing rules which will further improve track safety for drivers and officials.

Following on from the Fire and Rescue seminar earlier this year, there will be a training DVD produced to ensure that all those officials that are involved in this work will receive annual training on a local basis at all ORCi sanctioned tracks.

Our Health and Safety Consultant Sue Sanders will continue to be retained by the ORCi and will be available to advise us on all aspects of this important area. She is currently producing new wording for Safety announcements in our raceday programmes and is also producing a Marshals Pocket Safety Guide. She is a member of the Safety Advisory Group and plays a leading role in accident investigations when required

John Grant, the ORCi Acoustic Consultant will be continuing with his work ensuring that the different formulas adhere to the ORCi Noise Regulations as well as advising promoters on a local basis.

Philip Bond
Health & Safety Co-ordinator Oval Racing Council International

Driver of the Year 2011

Nicci has been trying really  hard for votes for the Driver of the Year trophy which will be  awarded at the Dinner in February, but as the racing has now finished the opportunities to contact her are via email or the internet. You can find Nicci on facebook and ovalchat as Mrs Filo, or email her directly at

Dinner and Dance

Dinner and Dance: the 2012 Dinner and Dance will take place on Saturday February 4th 2012 at the Webbington Hotel, if you need to book the time, or the Hotel.

Staff News

Quite a transitional years for staff at the Raceway. Our new Clerk of Course Steve Chant has made the job his own, and introduced some excellent innovations, and our new young marshals are making very good progress. We had an  ORCi Track Inspection, and received a very good report, with only a couple of minor points to attend to. A fond farewell to Nick Lewis, after many, many years of service, and the quiet authority he brought to the job is a model for all those hoping to work in the most difficult areas of the track.  Marshalling is a difficult and dangerous job, requiring a cool head and a steady hand under pressure, and we have exceptional people who work as a very close team. Not only that, but everyone, including our faithful lap scorers, and two stewards have had some challenges to face, and have risen to them. All in all, we are lucky to have you, and we look forward to the team developing further in 2012, with the young members coming through.

Drivers Meeting 2011

Drivers meeting will take place on Sunday November 27th 2011 at the Village Hall, Farrington Gurney, which is about a quarter of a mile down the lane between the traffic lights and the Little Chef. As always, every driver is welcome, as well as Junior Rod parents, and it is your chance to have your say about the racing, and get information on what is happening in 2012. If you are a first year racer, please come along, you will be welcome.

Here is the agenda for the day:-

12 noon Bangers and Rookie bangers drivers meeting
1pm Reliant Robin Drivers meeting
1.30pm Special Rod Drivers meeting
2.30pm MiniRod drivers and parents meeting
3.30pm Hot Rod drivers meeting
4pm Staff meeting
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