
REPORT: Spring Bank Holiday Meetings, Sun 30th & Mon 31st May 2021

June 9, 2021


World QR albeit somewhat later due to circumstance. Jon Palmer (24) took heat one, and silver roofed Luke Wrench took Heat 2. Heat 3 saw Luke Beeson (287) inherit the win after both Matt Stoneman (127) and Harley Burns (992) jumped the start and were docked 2 places. Promoted winner James Rygor (783) then took the win, only to fail post race scruitineering for tracking infringements.

Jack Cave (801) saw off a late charge from Charlie Guinchard (183). It was Cave who was impressive again in a stop start final saw Palmer take the win from Cave and Jamie Avery (126) much to the delight of Luke Wrench who saw 3 of his cars on the podium. Dave Polley (38) took full advantage of the last lap shenanigans, coming from 9th to 4th in the penultimate lap. James Riggall (527) further professed his love for Mendips with a hard fought win from Polley in the Grand National.

Heat 1 - 24, 27, 184, 398, 542, 844, 195, 689 
Heat 2 - 560, 38, 126, 53, 16, 438, 890, 325 
Heat 3 - 287, 667, 127, 992, 606, 895, 979, 915 
Consolation - 801, 183, 359, 736, 210, 419, 581, 629 
Final - 24, 801, 126, 38, 890, 667, 184, 419, 581, 915 
GN - 527, 38, 560, 126, 194, 667, 24, 915, 890, 184 

Bangers (Rookie)

A good turnout for the rookie bangers who despite a last minute fixture clash with Smeatharpe. Jody Jeanes (133) took heat 1, with Cookie (70) holding off Chrissy Jeanes (113) in the second heat. Jono Hardacre took a win at Mendips for the first time. Jake Bond (743) took the final from Ryan Hughes (852) and Big Mac (440)

Heat 1 - 133, 109, 328, 13, 6, 991, 852, 129, 355, 604
Heat 2 - 70, 113, 31, 775, 21, 144, 962, 440, 154, 87
Consolation - 800, 743, 13, 298, 218
Final - , 743, 852, 440, 328, 775, 298, 144, 991


Meeting number 2 for the junior rods with a healthy 20 cars on display. Heat wins for new red tops Jake Ralfs (28) and Harry Melville (26), before George Jenkins (8) took the other heat. Tom Gumbleton (190) took the final in spectacular fashion.

Heat 1 - 26, 311, 236, 210, 87, 28, 149, 856, 429, 314
Heat 2 - 28, 8, 190, 311, 36, 26, 429, 162, 184, 428
Heat 3 - 8, 210, 190, 36, 149, 18, 856, 236, 314, 162
Final - , 190, 236, 8, 36, 311, 28, 184, 210, 26, 162


The Dash 4 Cash season opener lined up in points order from the 2020 WoE qualifying points, with Ben Brice (701) taking the win.

In his first race proper – Tom Weeks (100) took a maiden win, stellar in the art of defence as well as attack. He took heat 3 and also took runner up in the final, which went the way of Heat 2 winner Jason Oliver (303) and an instant upgrade to blue.

Dash 4 Cash - 701, 700, 303, 517, 181, 44, 775, 40, 768, 38
Heat 1 - 100, 278, 44, 181, 700, 775, 38, 46, 175, X
Heat 2 - 303, 120, 181, 60, 47, 720, 701, 43, 700, 38
Heat 3 - 100, 278, 47, 303, 701, 775, 44, 43, 41, 275
Final - 303, 100, 775, 278, 700, 275, 43, 38, 175, X


The robins saw a healthy grid of over 10 cars, with guest appearances from Jack Bunter (128) and Tom Weeks (100) it was more a case of who could roll with it the best.

Tom Weeks instantly got the holiday crowd going with impressive finishes on his roof, mega rolls and the like, leaving Jack Bunter most bemused why after rolling several times himself that he didn’t win a single entertainer award!

There were wins for Aaron Loader (362) in Heat 1 and the Caravans, with Sid “Stella” Harrison (51) taking the other heat and the final!

In the Caravan race, it was little surprise that Weeks and Bunter were first through the static caravan, Bunter even lost his caravan unhitched before the race got going. Come the end of the race Aaron Loader (362) took the win and Weeks was on his roof and Bunter came to halt inside the static caravan

Heat 1 - 362, 51, 272, 30, 58, 36, Entertainer, 100
Heat 2 - 51, 362, 3, 30, 58, 100, 10, 119, 514, 36, Entertainer, 100
Final - 51, 3, 58, 30, 10, 272, 36, Entertainer, 100
Caravans - 362, 39, 58, Entertainer, 39

2l Bangers

In a cheeky little taster for things forthcoming – a healthy entry of some of the south wests big banger names took to the track. King of the 2l banger down at Autospeed, Terry Hill (133) took a heat, along with Lewis Fasey (186).

Liam Lake (114) made a schoolboy error in spinning Chas (333) in the final as the rest of the blue and silvers Boogie (252) and Roona (262) weighed in with an assault on the Ringwood based driver.

Big Mac (440) was immune to hitting Lake either and joined in the fun! Jake Bond (743) took his second final of the weekend from Heat winners Hill and Fasey. The Allcomers was quite roddy, with Chas staying awake long enough to take the win.

The DD, however, was the stuff of legend. Massive hits and one car just kept on taking it. Tomo Ruby’s (111) indefatigable car just kept on taking assaults from both Boogie and Roona and got the biggest cheer of the day from a packed crowd. Despite being almost self baled, the 111 took hit after hit and just wouldn’t quit – even being able to give a few arthritic shots of its own back. Boogie took the win and handshakes and giggles all around.

Heat 1 - 186, 333, 13, 440, 720, 114, 262, 908, 49, 111
Heat 2 - 133, 114, 186, 743, 333, 262, 440, 961, 111, 799
Final - 743, 133, 186, 262, 440, 333, 252, 961, 714, 114
AC - 333, 186, 133, 262, 714, 961, 440, 720, 252
DD - 252

Our next meeting is Rob n Jon’s B2B Bash – a weekend of social racing, crashing and drinking – not at the same time, with sponsorship from ToolHub! 

World QR albeit somewhat later due to circumstance. Jon Palmer (24) took heat one, and silver roofed Luke Wrench took Heat 2. Heat 3 saw Luke Beeson (287) inherit the win after both Matt Stoneman (127) and Harley Burns (992) jumped the start and were docked 2 places. Promoted winner James Rygor (783) then took the win, only to fail post race scruitineering for tracking infringements.
Jack Cave (801) saw off a late charge from Charlie Guinchard (183). It was Cave who was impressive again in a stop start final saw Palmer take the win from Cave and Jamie Avery (126) much to the delight of Luke Wrench who saw 3 of his cars on the podium. Dave Polley (38) took full advantage of the last lap shenanigans, coming from 9th to 4th in the penultimate lap. James Riggall (527) further professed his love for Mendips with a hard fought win from Polley in the Grand National.
Heat 1 - 24, 27, 184, 398, 542, 844, 195, 689 Heat 2 - 560, 38, 126, 53, 16, 438, 890, 325 Heat 3 - 287, 667, 127, 992, 606, 895, 979, 915 Consolation - 801, 183, 359, 736, 210, 419, 581, 629 Final - 24, 801, 126, 38, 890, 667, 184, 419, 581, 915 GN - 527, 38, 560, 126, 194, 667, 24, 915, 890, 184 

Bangers (Rookie)
A good turnout for the rookie bangers who despite a last minute fixture clash with Smeatharpe. Jody Jeanes (133) took heat 1, with Cookie (70) holding off Chrissy Jeanes (113) in the second heat. Jono Hardacre took a win at Mendips for the first time. Jake Bond (743) took the final from Ryan Hughes (852) and Big Mac (440)
Heat 1 - 133, 109, 328, 13, 6, 991, 852, 129, 355, 604 Heat 2 - 70, 113, 31, 775, 21, 144, 962, 440, 154, 87 Consolation - 800, 743, 13, 298, 218 Final - , 743, 852, 440, 328, 775, 298, 144, 991
Meeting number 2 for the junior rods with a healthy 20 cars on display. Heat wins for new red tops Jake Ralfs (28) and Harry Melville (26), before George Jenkins (8) took the other heat. Tom Gumbleton (190) took the final in spectacular fashion.
Heat 1 - 26, 311, 236, 210, 87, 28, 149, 856, 429, 314 Heat 2 - 28, 8, 190, 311, 36, 26, 429, 162, 184, 428 Heat 3 - 8, 210, 190, 36, 149, 18, 856, 236, 314, 162 Final - , 190, 236, 8, 36, 311, 28, 184, 210, 26, 162
The Dash 4 Cash season opener lined up in points order from the 2020 WoE qualifying points, with Ben Brice (701) taking the win.
In his first race proper – Tom Weeks (100) took a maiden win, stellar in the art of defence as well as attack. He took heat 3 and also took runner up in the final, which went the way of Heat 2 winner Jason Oliver (303) and an instant upgrade to blue.
Dash 4 Cash - 701, 700, 303, 517, 181, 44, 775, 40, 768, 38 Heat 1 - 100, 278, 44, 181, 700, 775, 38, 46, 175, X Heat 2 - 303, 120, 181, 60, 47, 720, 701, 43, 700, 38 Heat 3 - 100, 278, 47, 303, 701, 775, 44, 43, 41, 275 Final - 303, 100, 775, 278, 700, 275, 43, 38, 175, X
The robins saw a healthy grid of over 10 cars, with guest appearances from Jack Bunter (128) and Tom Weeks (100) it was more a case of who could roll with it the best.
Tom Weeks instantly got the holiday crowd going with impressive finishes on his roof, mega rolls and the like, leaving Jack Bunter most bemused why after rolling several times himself that he didn’t win a single entertainer award!
There were wins for Aaron Loader (362) in Heat 1 and the Caravans, with Sid “Stella” Harrison (51) taking the other heat and the final!
In the Caravan race, it was little surprise that Weeks and Bunter were first through the static caravan, Bunter even lost his caravan unhitched before the race got going. Come the end of the race Aaron Loader (362) took the win and Weeks was on his roof and Bunter came to halt inside the static caravan
Heat 1 - 362, 51, 272, 30, 58, 36, Entertainer, 100 Heat 2 - 51, 362, 3, 30, 58, 100, 10, 119, 514, 36, Entertainer, 100 Final - 51, 3, 58, 30, 10, 272, 36, Entertainer, 100 Caravans - 362, 39, 58, Entertainer, 39
2l Bangers
In a cheeky little taster for things forthcoming – a healthy entry of some of the south wests big banger names took to the track. King of the 2l banger down at Autospeed, Terry Hill (133) took a heat, along with Lewis Fasey (186).
Liam Lake (114) made a schoolboy error in spinning Chas (333) in the final as the rest of the blue and silvers Boogie (252) and Roona (262) weighed in with an assault on the Ringwood based driver.
Big Mac (440) was immune to hitting Lake either and joined in the fun! Jake Bond (743) took his second final of the weekend from Heat winners Hill and Fasey. The Allcomers was quite roddy, with Chas staying awake long enough to take the win.
The DD, however, was the stuff of legend. Massive hits and one car just kept on taking it. Tomo Ruby’s (111) indefatigable car just kept on taking assaults from both Boogie and Roona and got the biggest cheer of the day from a packed crowd. Despite being almost self baled, the 111 took hit after hit and just wouldn’t quit – even being able to give a few arthritic shots of its own back. Boogie took the win and handshakes and giggles all around.
Heat 1 - 186, 333, 13, 440, 720, 114, 262, 908, 49, 111 Heat 2 - 133, 114, 186, 743, 333, 262, 440, 961, 111, 799 Final - 743, 133, 186, 262, 440, 333, 252, 961, 714, 114 AC - 333, 186, 133, 262, 714, 961, 440, 720, 252 DD - 252
Our next meeting is Rob n Jon’s B2B Bash – a weekend of social racing, crashing and drinking – not at the same time, with sponsorship from ToolHub! 

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